(Subject to change)


Susan Dentzer, President and Chief Executive OfficerWe are pleased to announce Susan Dentzer as a keynote speaker for the 340B Coalition Summer Conference! Susan Dentzer is President and Chief Executive Officer of America’s Physician Groups, the nonprofit organization representing more than 360 large physician groups focused on patient-centered, coordinated, and integrated health care that is accountable for both costs and quality. Dentzer is a highly respected health and health policy thought leader, a frequent speaker and commentator, and an author of commentaries in Modern Healthcare, the New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, the American Journal of Public Health, and other prominent publications. She is also the editor and lead author of the book Health Care Without Walls: A Roadmap for Reinventing U.S. Health Care.  Read more...
Amy Walter, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Cook Political ReportWe are pleased to announce Amy Walter as a keynote speaker for the 340B Coalition Summer Conference! Amy Walter has built a reputation as an accurate, objective, and insightful political analyst with unparalleled access to campaign insiders and decision-makers. Known as one of the best political journalists covering Washington, she is the Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of the Cook Political Report and the former political director of ABC News. From 1997-2007, Walter served as senior editor of the Cook Political Report. She is also a regular panelist on NBC's Meet the Press, Fox News' Special Report with Bret Baier, and CBS' Face the Nation. She provides political analysis every Monday evening for the PBS NewsHour. Read more...
Dr. Emeka Egwim, Director, Office of Pharmacy AffairsWe are pleased to announce Dr. Emeka Egwim as a featured speaker for the 340B Coalition Summer Conference! Dr. Egwim is the Director of the Office of Pharmacy Affairs (OPA) within the Office of Special Health Initiatives (OSHI) in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Dr. Egwim began his career in public service in 2011 as a pharmacy student with OPA.  Upon his graduation, he continued his Federal service by joining the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program (MDRP) within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Prior to joining OPA as the Director, Dr. Egwim served as a Senior Policy Analyst in HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau, where he focused on developing and implementing policies and initiatives in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program. Read more...

Please Note: Sessions indicating a group number are limited to the respective covered entity, industry, or government group(s). Session restrictions are strictly enforced. See below for a key of stakeholder groups. Please email prior to the event or visit the conference help desk on-site if you have questions regarding your badge group # or attendance to sessions.

Group #  Stakeholder Group
1  Community Health Centers
2  Family Planning Clinic 
3  Hemophilia Treatment Center
4  HIV Clinics, Providers
5  Hospitals (DSH, Rural, Children's, and Cancer)
6  STD Clinic
7  HRSA/340B Prime Vendor Program
8  Federal Government
9  State or Local Government Agency (i.e., not with a 340B covered   entity)
10  Pharmacy Related Firms and Other Businesses
11  340B Health Corporate Partners
12  Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
13  Press
Jul 09, 20238:00AM - 10:00PMExhibitor SetupExhibit Hall A-B 340BSC23/EXHSETUP
Jul 09, 20233:00PM - 5:30PMEarly Registration OpenCherry Blossom Ballroom Foyer 340BSC23/EARLYREG
Jul 09, 20235:00PM - 5:30PMConference PrimerAzalea 1All340BSC23/PRIMER
Jul 10, 20237:00AM - 8:15AMExhibits Open; Networking Breakfast (Workshop Attendees and Exhibitors Only)Exhibit Hall A-B 340BSC23/D1BREAKFAST
Jul 10, 20237:00AM - 5:15PMRegistration OpenCherry Blossom Ballroom Foyer 340BSC23/D1REG
Jul 10, 20238:15AM - 9:30AMPre-Conference Workshop Option 1: Introduction to 340B, Part 1: An Overview of the BasicsCherry Blossom BallroomRegistered Workshop Attendees Only340BSC23/WS1P1
Jul 10, 20238:15AM - 9:30AMPre-Conference Workshop Option 2: Audits: Part 1: Navigating 340B AuditsNational Harbor 2-3Registered Workshop Attendees in Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 Only340BSC23/WS2P1
Jul 10, 20239:30AM - 10:20AMVendor Demo: PharmaForceAzalea 21, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO2
Jul 10, 20239:30AM - 10:30AM340B Professional Development Workshop: Part 1: Navigating Obstacles with Strength and ResilienceNational Harbor 4-5Registered Workshop Attendees Only340BSC23/PDWP1
Jul 10, 20239:30AM - 10:30AMExhibits Open; Networking and Refreshment BreakExhibit Hall A-BAll340BSC23/D1AMBREAK
Jul 10, 202310:30AM - 11:45AMPre-Conference Workshop Option 1: Introduction to 340B, Part 2: Applying the Basics in Small Group DiscussionsCherry Blossom BallroomRegistered Workshop Attendees Only340BSC23/WS1P2
Jul 10, 202310:30AM - 11:45AMPre-Conference Workshop Option 2: Audits: Part 2: Audit Takeaways from Diversion and Duplicate Discount FindingsNational Harbor 2-3Registered Workshop Attendees in Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 Only340BSC23/WS2P2
Jul 10, 202310:45AM - 11:45AM340B Professional Development Workshop: Part 2: Interactive Resilience WorkshopNational Harbor 4-5Registered Workshop Attendees Only340BSC23/PDWP2
Jul 10, 202311:45AM - 1:00PMExhibits Open; Workshop Attendee LunchExhibit Hall A-B 340BSC23/D1LUNCH
Jul 10, 20231:00PM - 2:00PMWelcome and Opening Remarks, The State of 340B, and Updates From HRSAMaryland Ballroom A-DAll340BSC23/WELCOME
Jul 10, 20232:00PM - 3:00PMKeynote Remarks by Susan Dentzer, President and Chief Executive Officer of America's Physician GroupsMaryland Ballroom A-DAll340BSC23/KEYNOTE1
Jul 10, 20233:00PM - 3:50PMVendor Demo: ApexusAzalea 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO3
Jul 10, 20233:00PM - 3:50PMVendor Demo: WellpartnerAzalea 21, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO4
Jul 10, 20233:00PM - 4:00PMExhibits Open; Networking and Refreshment BreakExhibit Hall A-BAll340BSC23/D1PMBREAK
Jul 10, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMCommunity Health CentersWoodrow Wilson B-D1340BSC23/CHC
Jul 10, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMFamily Planning, STD Clinics, and Other Non-Hospital ProvidersBaltimore 3-52, 6340BSC23/FPC
Jul 10, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMHemophilia Treatment CentersNational Harbor 12-133340BSC23/HTC
Jul 10, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMHIV/AIDS Clinics, ADAPs, and HIV Service ProvidersNational Harbor 10-114340BSC23/HIV
Jul 10, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMHospitalsWoodrow Wilson A5, 7, 11340BSC23/HOSP
Jul 10, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMPharmaceutical ManufacturersNational Harbor 4-512340BSC23/PHARMBO
Jul 10, 20234:00PM - 5:15PM340B Service ProvidersNational Harbor 2-3All340BSC23/SERVPROV
Jul 10, 20235:15PM - 6:15PMEvening ReceptionExhibit Hall A-BAll340BSC23/D1RECEPTION
Jul 11, 20237:00AM - 5:15PMRegistration OpenCherry Blossom Ballroom Foyer 340BSC23/D2REG
Jul 11, 20237:15AM - 8:30AMExhibits Open; Networking BreakfastExhibit Hall A-BAll340BSC23/D2BREAKFAST
Jul 11, 20237:15AM - 8:30AMNetworking Breakfast: Spotlight on Pharmacy TechniciansBaltimore 3-5All340BSC23/PHARMTECH
Jul 11, 20237:15AM - 8:30AMBreakfast: 340B Lessons from the Field, Part 1Cherry Blossom BallroomAll340BSC23/LSNFFP1
Jul 11, 20238:45AM - 10:00AMTrack 1: 340B Analysts: Building and Using 340B CrosswalksMaryland Ballroom BAll340BSC23/T1ANALYSTS
Jul 11, 20238:45AM - 10:00AMTrack 2: Optimizing 340B Across the EntityMaryland Ballroom D1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11340BSC23/T2OPTENT
Jul 11, 20238:45AM - 10:00AMTrack 2: The Future of the Drug Supply Chain Woodrow Wilson AAll340BSC23/T2FUTDRUG
Jul 11, 20238:45AM - 10:00AMTrack 2: Inflation Reduction Act Enacted: Overview and CMS UpdateNational Harbor 2-3All340BSC23/T2IRA
Jul 11, 20238:45AM - 10:00AMTrack 3: Gene Therapy & 340BNational Harbor 4-5All340BSC23/T3GENE
Jul 11, 20238:45AM - 10:00AMTrack 4: Rural Conversations: 340B Optimization for Small Rural ProvidersBaltimore 3-51, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11340BSC23/T4RURAL
Jul 11, 20238:45AM - 10:00AMTrack 4: Ryan White Clinics & 340B: Navigating through UncertaintyNational Harbor 10-111, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9340BSC23/T4RYANWHT
Jul 11, 20238:45AM - 10:00AMTrack 4: CHC Expert Session 1: Understanding Various Health Center Pharmacy ModelsWoodrow Wilson B-D1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9340BSC23/T4CHCEXP
Jul 11, 202310:00AM - 10:50AMVendor Demo: The Craneware GroupAzalea 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO5
Jul 11, 202310:00AM - 10:50AMVendor Demo: Verity SolutionsAzalea 21, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO6
Jul 11, 202310:00AM - 10:50AMVendor Demo: NuvemAzalea 31, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO7
Jul 11, 202310:00AM - 11:00AMExhibits Open; Networking and Refreshment BreakExhibit Hall A-BAll340BSC23/D2AMBREAK
Jul 11, 202311:00AM - 12:15PMTrack 1: 340B Inventory ManagementMaryland Ballroom BAll340BSC23/T1INVMAN
Jul 11, 202311:00AM - 12:15PMTrack 1: Preparing for Hospital Recertification Woodrow Wilson AAll340BSC23/T1HOSREC
Jul 11, 202311:00AM - 12:15PMTrack 1: 340B Lessons from the Field, Part 2Cherry Blossom BallroomAll340BSC23/T1LSNFFP2
Jul 11, 202311:00AM - 12:15PMTrack 2: Navigating Manufacturer Contract Pharmacy Restrictions and ExceptionsMaryland Ballroom D1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11340BSC23/T2NAVMANRES
Jul 11, 202311:00AM - 12:15PMTrack 2: The Future of Pharmacy: Crucible of ChangeNational Harbor 2-3All340BSC23/T2FUTPHAR
Jul 11, 202311:00AM - 12:15PMTrack 3: 340B and Health EquityNational Harbor 4-5All340BSC23/T3EQUITY
Jul 11, 202311:00AM - 12:15PMTrack 4: Ask the Lawyers: Grantee 340B Compliance, Audits, and Other Hot Topics National Harbor 12-131, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/T4LAWYER
Jul 11, 202312:15PM - 1:45PMNetworking LunchExhibit Hall A-BAll340BSC23/D2LUNCH
Jul 11, 20231:45PM - 3:00PMTrack 1: Introduction to Contract Pharmacy Maryland Ballroom BAll340BSC23/T1INTROCP
Jul 11, 20231:45PM - 3:00PMTrack 1: In-House Specialty Pharmacies: Strategies for Success National Harbor 2-3All340BSC23/T1SPECIALTY
Jul 11, 20231:45PM - 3:00PMTrack 2: Federal and State Payer Developments and TrendsMaryland Ballroom DAll340BSC23/T2FEDSTATE
Jul 11, 20231:45PM - 3:00PMTrack 2: Hospital Roundtable: Sharing Experiences with Contract Pharmacy Restrictions Woodrow Wilson A5340BSC23/T2ROUND
Jul 11, 20231:45PM - 3:00PMTrack 2: Educating Your Colleagues and Leadership About 340BNational Harbor 10-11All340BSC23/T2EDUCA
Jul 11, 20231:45PM - 3:00PMTrack 3: How HIV & STI Populations Benefit from 340BNational Harbor 4-5All340BSC23/T3HIVSTI
Jul 11, 20231:45PM - 3:00PMTrack 3: Telling the 340B Story with Data and ResearchNational Harbor 12-13All340BSC23/T3STRYDATA
Jul 11, 20231:45PM - 3:00PMTrack 4: CHC Expert Session 2: Building, Operating, and Optimizing the Health Center 340B Pharmacy ProgramWoodrow Wilson B-D1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9340BSC23/T4CHCEXP2
Jul 11, 20233:00PM - 3:50PMVendor Demo: Macro HelixAzalea 11, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO8
Jul 11, 20233:00PM - 3:50PMVendor Demo: OmnicellAzalea 21, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO9
Jul 11, 20233:00PM - 3:50PMVendor Demo: CerveyAzalea 31, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO10
Jul 11, 20233:00PM - 4:00PMExhibits Open; Networking and Refreshment BreakExhibit Hall A-BAll340BSC23/D2PMBREAK
Jul 11, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMTrack 1: Contract Pharmacy Operations: A Deeper Dive Maryland Ballroom BAll340BSC23/T1CONPHARM
Jul 11, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMTrack 1: Central Distribution Considerations for Health SystemsNational Harbor 2-3All340BSC23/T1CENDIST
Jul 11, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMTrack 1: Compliance Strategies: Preventing Diversion and Duplicate Discounts Woodrow Wilson A1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11340BSC23/T1COMSTRAT
Jul 11, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMTrack 2: Inflation Reduction Act: Organizational ImpactMaryland Ballroom DAll340BSC23/T2IRAORG
Jul 11, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMTrack 3: Optimizing Specialty Pharmacy with Clinical PharmacistsNational Harbor 12-13All340BSC23/T3OPTSPHARM
Jul 11, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMTrack 4: CHC Expert Session 3: Innovations Shaping the Future of Health Center Pharmacy ProgramsWoodrow Wilson B-D1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9340BSC23/T4CHCEXP3
Jul 11, 20234:00PM - 5:15PMTrack 4: 340B Advocacy Practices that Work: How to Engage Your Member of Congress National Harbor 4-51, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11340BSC23/T4ADVOCACY
Jul 12, 20236:45AM - 7:30AMMorning Charity Fundraiser: Fun Run & Walk (Check-in begins at 6:30am at the Registration Desk)Cherry Blossom Ballroom Foyer 340BSC23/D3FUNRUN
Jul 12, 20236:45AM - 8:00AMBreakfast: 340B Lessons from the Field, Part 3Cherry Blossom BallroomAll340BSC23/LESSONSP3
Jul 12, 20236:45AM - 8:00AMExhibits Open; Networking BreakfastExhibit Hall A-BAll340BSC23/D3BREAKFAST
Jul 12, 20237:00AM - 11:45AMRegistration OpenCherry Blossom Ballroom Foyer 340BSC23/D3REG
Jul 12, 20238:15AM - 8:45AMHRSA 340B Prime Vendor Program UpdateMaryland Ballroom A-DAll340BSC23/PVPUPDATE
Jul 12, 20238:45AM - 9:45AMKeynote Remarks by Amy Walter, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of the Cook Political ReportMaryland Ballroom A-DAll340BSC23/KEYNOTE2
Jul 12, 20239:45AM - 10:35AMVendor Demo: MaxorAzalea 21, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6340BSC23/VDEMO12
Jul 12, 20239:45AM - 10:45AMExhibits Open; Networking and Refreshment BreakExhibit Hall A-BAll340BSC23/D3AMBREAK
Jul 12, 202310:45AM - 11:30AM Washington Update: The 118th Congress and 340B Maryland Ballroom A-DAll340BSC23/WASHUPDATE
Jul 12, 202311:30AM - 12:00PMPrize DrawingsMaryland Ballroom A-D 340BSC23/PRIZES
Jul 12, 202312:00PM - 12:00PMConference Adjourns  340BSC23/ADJOURN

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